If the barcode reader used inside the Seahorse analyzer generates an error, this document can be used to help troubleshoot.
Here is a list of the most common causes for a barcode-related issue:
- Barcode is scratched/cracked/smudged
- Barcode is off-center on cartridge
- Hardware component could have become damaged
- Cable could have become loose or disconnected
Try these steps for a possible resolution:
- Verify that the barcode looks free of scratches/cracks/smudges (see photo above for example of damaged barcode)
- Verify that the barcode is centered on cartridge (see photo above for example of off-center barcode)
- If barcode looks undamaged and is centered correctly, contact Agilent Cell Analysis technical support at:
- Email contact:
- Phone Contact:
- US Contact: 1 800 227 9770 option 3, 8
- UK Contact: 0 800 096 7632 option 3
- DE Contact: 0 800 180 66 78 option 3
- NL Contact: 0 800 022 7243 option 3
- Other European Countries Contact: 45 3136 9878 option 3
More Troubleshooting Tips: Cell Analysis FAQs and Troubleshooting
Keywords: Barcode error, Seahorse, XFe96, XFe24, XFp, XF24, XF96, Troubleshooting