OpenLAB CDS ChemStation offers additional report items that could be added to a report template. These Live system values are not stored in the ACAML result files, but get populated with the current values from Data Analysis view of ChemStation.
In ChemStation Review mode it is possible to load and overlay result sets from various ECM locations and the live systems values ECM path parameter, ECM version, method modification flag, calibration modification time stamp are no longer unique or do not apply to the data loaded in the review mode. Hence, these fields are not filled in the report preview.
Report templates containing several live system values should only be used in the context of the data analysis view and ECM or Datastore related information appears only if the result set is stored in ECM or Data Store. This is indicated by a yellow or green ton in the result set icon.
Cross-sequence reports including ECM path information ate possible with the OpenLAB ECM Intelligent Reporter product.
(originally posted in OpenLAB Forum:
2014 September 25 by betrich)