OpenLAB CDS ChemStation stores a set of certain LC diagnosis parameters in the LCDiag.reg file. This information is typically used for the classical GLP+Details reports. this information gets also stored in the ACAML result files and the ECM IR database and can be used with Intelligent Reporter.
You need to use the custom field extractor (CFE) to extract the data from the XML file. Use the following syntax:
Replace the parameter "Start flow" with one of the following parameters stored in ACAML:
<CustomField Name="StartLeftTemp">
<CustomField Name="StopLeftTemp">
<CustomField Name="StartRightTemp">
<CustomField Name="StopRightTemp">
<CustomField Name="StartPressure">
<CustomField Name="StopPressure">
<CustomField Name="StartFlow">
<CustomField Name="StopFlow">
<CustomField Name="PumpType">
<CustomField Name="AirTemp">
<CustomField Name="DAD1UVOnTime">
<CustomField Name="DAD1UVBurnTime">
<CustomField Name="DAD1VisOnTime">
<CustomField Name="DAD1VisBurnTime">
<CustomField Name="InjVolume">
<CustomField Name="ActInjVolume">
<CustomField Name="InjVolumeText">
<CustomField Name="ActInjVolText">
OpenLAB ECM IR can be used to show long term trends and lamp EMF counters across a longer period of time. Example templates will be published soon.
(originally posted in OpenLAB Forum:
2014 April 02 by betrich )