- In the Chemstation navigation pane the result set (sequence container) was displayed with the 3 blue vial icons, but when loaded, the data files were not displayed in the navigation table.
- Single files could be loaded by going to file- load signal
- Found all the files in windows explorer needed to define a result set... methods, batch file, data files, sequence file, etc
- User was running openlab CDS CS C.01.05[35]
- Create a new result set.
- Because the result set was defective, we renamed the .b to .b.old using windows explorer. Thus creating a directory with single injection runs.
- If you remove/rename the batch file from the result set... it will no longer be recognized by Chemstation as a result set. In the navigation pane it will be displayed as a directory containing single injection runs.
- The single injections were loaded into the navigation table, then a new result set was created.
- The new sequence was corrected for sample type and reprocessed.
Note: we also tried renaming the config.reg, config_off.reg, and the user.config. see KDB 41873