OpenLab ChemStation offers customized parameters on sample and compound level. Quite often, there is custom information on the sequence level (like Product Name, Batch number) that cannot be stored in sequence related custom fields. Using sample related custom fields is one possible alternative, but also the classic sequence information box can be used to save and report customized parameters.
The sequence information is stored as a long text string and Intelligent Reporting can use Visual Basic commands to extract text and numbers from the string.
The attached example shows the sequence parameter dialog as well as the final report. Example data and template are attached as well.
The template contains some helper fields to identify the string position of e.g. Batch number and this could saved in a variable or used as an expression in combination with the "mid" command. The helper fields can be hidden on the final report, of course.
Note: The sequence information panel offers some flexibility in respect to the string length, but the order of the input items should remain the same. Numbers are also sensitive against typos (e.g. comma instead of dot, O instead of 0, empty spaces before the .dot.
Like any custom parameters, they need to be visually verified when approving the paper or PDF report.
(originally posted in OpenLAB Forum:
2013 January 25
by betrich)