The sequence table of OpenLAB CDS EZChrom offers up to 5 multipliers and up to 5 dilution factors to be stored with your data.
Since the ACAML schema offers only a single field for multipliers and dilutors, the number are stored in list of numbers separated by semicolon.
The template editor does not provide the correct syntax to retrieve the desired values. Use the following syntax instead:
=Val(Trim(Choose(1,Split(Sample_DilutionFactors, ";" ))))
This command will cut out the first dilution factor stored in the list of numbers and converts the string into a value to be used in calculations.
Adjust the number between the 'Choose' and 'Split' command to select the nth factor from the list.
Replace 'Sample_DilutionFactors' with 'Sample_Multipliers' to pick a number from the list of multipliers.
(originally posted in OpenLAB Forum:
2014 September 24 by betrich)