What should you consider when selecting gases for your new GC or GC/MS system?
- Which gases will you be using?
- Did you confirm that gases available are a supported configuration for installation?
- Gas requirements are specified in Site Preparation Checklists and Guides. This information is also included in the free Agilent Education Course: GC-0GEN-1001e - Gas Management Best Practices?
- What is the purity of the gases required at the instrument?
- GC all gases 99.9995%
- SQ GC/MS 99.9995% He at <=120 psi
- TQ GC/MS 99.9995% He at <=120 psi
- TQ GC/MS 99.9995% N2 at <=120 psi
- CI: Methane 99.999% <=25 psi
- JetClean: H2 99.9995% <= 25 psi (a regulator is not included to go down from FID H2 to JetClean H2)
- What is the source (tanks, generators, house plumbing) of the gases? For example, will it take more time for gas lines to purge?
- Will you be connecting into existing plumbing?
- What should the terminal connection be before the installer arrives?
- All gases should have 1/8” Swagelok terminal fittings.
- Will the installer have easy access to the gas supply?
- How far away will the gas cylinders be?
- Have you purchased the necessary tubing, fittings, valves, traps, etc.? Refer to the Essential Chromatography and Spectroscopy Catalog Series for part information.