EIC report with smaller chromatogram to reduce the number of pages in the report

I tried to copy EIC Signal description items near each other and I don't know how to avoid this problem showed below. 

As you can see, the three chromatogram is the same compound. How can I avoid this repetition? 

thank you for your help. 

  • Hello,

    Try the MS Chromatogram Flowlayout object instead of the individual chromatograms. 


  • Hi Martin. I have the same problem. I don't know how to manage the group repeating so we can have different compound name on chromatogram lighted in gray. 

  • Ok I tried to put my filter on the outside group. It's getting better but not completely OK. 

    Here is the outside filter performed with a sorting based on Peak retention time : 

    I erase the Len(compound_name) filter at the chromatogram and there is no sorting for this section. 

    Here is the results: 

    We can see that the filter EIC on the chromatogram doesn't work as final result as we can see blank chromato with no EIC as name compound. 

    I will try to add the EIC filter again on the outside filter. 

  • it works! Even if I erase the EIC filter at the chromatogram portion. Thank you for your help. I will saved this composite group. If I add this composite group into a sequence summary report instead of single injection report, would you recommend to ass sorting based on injection ID? 

  • I finnaly got what I have wanted. Thank you again. I tried to add the Multiplier used in the calibration Compound table used for a specific calculation with samples into my sequence injection summary: 

    But I only found multipliers that included the 5 possible multipliers. 

    Do you know how to select a specific multiplier to add on the sequence summary? 

  • Do you know how to change the response value of the courve into raw date ms counts? 

    Right now it's the 100% of response relatec to the 1 calibration point. 

  • Hello,

    The explanation from the Openlab Help and Learning is copied below. Depending on where you are using the resultant value you may need to place the expression in a Val() function. 


    Show only part of a value

    Depending on the value of a data field, you may want to show only part of the value.

    For example, the data fields Sample_DilutionFactor and Sample_Multipliers show five numbers separated by semicolon, but only part of the numbers may be set by the chromatographic data system. Therefore the value may look like 10; 0; 0; 0; 0 if only the first number is set. To display only the number 10 instead of the entire string, you can use the following expression:

    =Choose(1, Split(Sample_Multipliers, ";"))

    • The Split function divides the string in several parts, using the semicolon as a delimiter. In this example, the different parts are the single numbers.

    • The Choose function selects and returns a specific value from a list of values. In this example, it returns the first value, that is, the number 10.

  • it works but I obtained a value of 1. It is supposed to be 10. I put 10 as multiplier in the calibration table and it also works to calculate concentration in ppm (ug/g). 

    But in the injection list, the five multiplier are at 1. 

    I am not sure what's wrong here. 

    I need to use the function related to the multiplier used in the process method. 

    Which multiplier is used in the concentration mass % ? 

    Based on my results, the multiplier need to be a 10 in order to give my result in ppm. It seems to work. I will do a test tomorrow addind another multiplier and check if my sample's results are affected. 

  • it works but I obtained a value of 1. It is supposed to be 10. I put 10 as multiplier in the calibration table and it also works to calculate concentration in ppm (ug/g). 

    But in the injection list, the five multiplier are at 1. 

    I am not sure what's wrong here. 

    I need to use the function related to the multiplier used in the process method. 

    Which multiplier is used in the concentration mass % ? 

    Based on my results, the multiplier need to be a 10 in order to give my result in ppm. It seems to work. I will do a test tomorrow addind another multiplier and check if my sample's results are affected. 

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