EIC report with smaller chromatogram to reduce the number of pages in the report

I tried to copy EIC Signal description items near each other and I don't know how to avoid this problem showed below. 

As you can see, the three chromatogram is the same compound. How can I avoid this repetition? 

thank you for your help. 

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  • Ok I tried to put my filter on the outside group. It's getting better but not completely OK. 

    Here is the outside filter performed with a sorting based on Peak retention time : 

    I erase the Len(compound_name) filter at the chromatogram and there is no sorting for this section. 

    Here is the results: 

    We can see that the filter EIC on the chromatogram doesn't work as final result as we can see blank chromato with no EIC as name compound. 

    I will try to add the EIC filter again on the outside filter. 

  • it works! Even if I erase the EIC filter at the chromatogram portion. Thank you for your help. I will saved this composite group. If I add this composite group into a sequence summary report instead of single injection report, would you recommend to ass sorting based on injection ID? 

  • If you add this to a sequence summary report, what it would do is show only the first injection or if they are in stacked mode it may show all injections at once on the same plot. If you change the sorting you can get a different order instead. What I expect you would want is for it to repeat for every injection. I don't know what you have it repeating on currently, if anything, but if it is already repeating on something, then you can simply put another group around it and set that to repeat by injection_ID, sorted by sample_OrderNo and Injection_AcquisitionOrderNo (to make sure it goes first to last injection).

  • Thank you for the advice. I appreciate that. 

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