EIC report with smaller chromatogram to reduce the number of pages in the report

I tried to copy EIC Signal description items near each other and I don't know how to avoid this problem showed below. 

As you can see, the three chromatogram is the same compound. How can I avoid this repetition? 

thank you for your help. 

  • Hello,

    Try the MS Chromatogram Flowlayout object instead of the individual chromatograms. 


  • Hi Martin. I have the same problem. I don't know how to manage the group repeating so we can have different compound name on chromatogram lighted in gray. 

  • Thank you for the advice. I appreciate that. 

  • If you don't want it to show only one calibration point, then you need to filter it to show only the last calibration injection. What I've done to resolve this so far is in a different field go filter by sample type for only cal standards, sorted by sample_OrderNo, then store the last sample_orderNo. Then in another field go filter by Sample_OrderNo, sort by injection_AcquisitionOrderNo, then store the last Injection_AcquisitionOrderNo. Then in the calibration curve filter by the stored Sample_OrderNo and Injection_AcquisitionOrderNo. That should give you the calibration curve as of the last calibration injection. If you want to see how it works better, just repeat on injection_ID and you will see the calibration curve build up one point at a time.

    Also, I think your response is by percent because you have either the "Normalize to" or "Calculate mass %" boxes checked in the calibration general settings. I've included a snip to show where they are. I recommend playing around with those to see your options. I haven't done much with them so I can't help much more than that.

  • I need the % mass because the other option do not take into account the sample weight that I can put in my injection list for process. 

    So the method will ask to the analyst to put sample weight in mg in the injection list. The concentration will be the amount founded by the one point curve (limit test) in ug divided by sample weight. I need to add multiplier to transform mg of sample into gram. The conversion scale is 1000 but since I already multiplied by 100, I have to add a 10 fold multiplier. 

    And it works perfectly. I can show the concentration calculated like that in ppm (ug solvant/g of sample)

    9.84 ug founded with my one point curve is then divided by the sample weight 25 mg gives 0.3936 ug/mg. In order to transform it into PPM (ug/g) we need to multipliy by 1000. 394 ppm and that's what we obtained. So the calculation is perfect without doing any custom calculation. Very simple. 

    But the problem is that I can't show my multiplier used in my sequence table into the sequence summary table in my report for our data revisor. 

    Also, by choosing this % mass, my response axis is in % amount based on calibration point. I can live with that if we can't change it to raw unit counts. 

    But I need to find a way to show my multiplier factor in my sequence table. 

  • Hello,

    All the multipliers are used in the concentration calculation. The multiplier in the method is the compound multiplier which is different from the sample multipliers 1-5.  The compound multipliers can be different for each compound in the peak table but are the same for all injections. The sample multipliers are applied to all results for a given injection but can be different for each injection


  • I'll do a little digging to see if I can find the field name. I've never had to reference this before so I'm unsure if you even can. I'll reply back if I find something

  • It's weird because I don't have this option on my side. No Multiplier. 

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