EIC report with smaller chromatogram to reduce the number of pages in the report

I tried to copy EIC Signal description items near each other and I don't know how to avoid this problem showed below. 

As you can see, the three chromatogram is the same compound. How can I avoid this repetition? 

thank you for your help. 

Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    The explanation from the Openlab Help and Learning is copied below. Depending on where you are using the resultant value you may need to place the expression in a Val() function. 


    Show only part of a value

    Depending on the value of a data field, you may want to show only part of the value.

    For example, the data fields Sample_DilutionFactor and Sample_Multipliers show five numbers separated by semicolon, but only part of the numbers may be set by the chromatographic data system. Therefore the value may look like 10; 0; 0; 0; 0 if only the first number is set. To display only the number 10 instead of the entire string, you can use the following expression:

    =Choose(1, Split(Sample_Multipliers, ";"))

    • The Split function divides the string in several parts, using the semicolon as a delimiter. In this example, the different parts are the single numbers.

    • The Choose function selects and returns a specific value from a list of values. In this example, it returns the first value, that is, the number 10.

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