This Information Applies To: All Agilent (U)HPLC modules.
This article describes the general procedure of how to check the IP address of an High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) module and how to modify it using Telnet.
Agilent HPLC modules can be configured to use either a default IP address ( that cannot be changed (static), or a stored IP address that can be defined by the user. The position of the configuration switches that are on the back of an LC module determines which IP address the module uses.
Steps to follow:
If you simply want to check your modules IP settings, you can check it either through clicking the gray info button in your ChemStation or OpenLab 2 software. Alternatively, you can find it in the Lab Advisor Software under System Overview or by looking at the System Report. Make sure to pick the IP address for the module used for LAN communication as the IP may differ for different modules.
If you want to use the default IP address to communicate with your HPLC (recommendation for standalone HPLCs), go through the following procedure until step 6. You do not need to use Telnet.
If you want to assign a specific IP address to your HPLC module, follow the whole procedure.
Connect your computer directly with a LAN cable to your HPLC module.
Note: Typically, you choose the detector/module with the highest internal memory, which means in order of lowering memory: DAD (Diode Array Detector), FLD (Fluorescence Light Detector), MWD/VWD (Multiple Wavelength Detector/Variable Wavelength Detector), and then the pump.
Note: If you connect the cable directly from the PC to the HPLC module, use a cross-over network cable. If you use a standard LAN cable (straight) then you need to use a hub or switch in between.
Locate the IP settings of the LAN card on your computer used to connect to the HPLC module - go to Windows Settings->Network & Internet->Ethernet and identify the LAN card used for communication with your HPLC. If your computer also has access to a company network and/or Internet, you will need at least two LAN cards, one for the LC system, and one dedicated to your house network.
Right-click the LAN card connected to the LC instrument and select Properties (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Finding the LAN settings for your PC network card on Windows 10
Figure 3. Example of the configuration switches' location on an HPLC module (top) and different types of switches depending on the module (bottom)
Figure 4. Configuration switches' location on a G1369C LAN Card
Figure 5. Dip switch position to use default IP address: A - modules up to the Infinity Series with on-board LAN, B - insertable LAN card G1369C, C - Modules of the Infinity II Series with on-board LAN
Confirmation: If you see four packages sent with each one getting the reply Reply from (IP address): bytes=32 time =3 ms TTL=64, you may continue (compare Figure 6).
If you have telnet activated, type telnet in the command console and press Enter.
Figure 8. Seeing the current LAN settings of the module (the stored IP, marked in red, will only appear if previously set up)
Tips: For HPLC modules without on-board LAN access, i.e. modules of the 1100 and 1200 series, the switches on the insertable Agilent LAN Card G1369C have to be configured. See G1369C manual for further information.
Figure 9. Dip switch position to use stored IP address: A - modules up to the Infinity Series with on-board LAN, B - insertable LAN card G1369C, C - Modules of the Infinity II Series with on-board LAN
You may now proceed to configure your instrument in OpenLab 2.x, OpenLab ChemStation, or your CDS software of choice.
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent LC System:
Agilent 1260 Infinity LC Systems with OpenLab CDS e-learning path available from Agilent education