This Information Applies To: Agilent LC modules with RFID tag readers
Agilent uses RFID (radio frequency identification tag) tag readers in some HPLC components such as detector lamps and flow cells, pump heads, purge valve and mixers. However...
This Information Applies To: Agilent G4208A Instant Pilot
This article describes how to switch the illumination of the autosampler on or off (if available) using the G4208A Instant Pilot.
Items Required
G4208A Instant Pilot for Agilent...
This Information Applies To: Agilent 1290 Infinity and 1290 Infinity II LC Pumps.
Solvent bottle runs dry. As the result, the pump has continued to run dry or solvent lines are filled with air. The difference between purge, condition, and...
This Information Applies To: Agilent LC Pumps with built-in Degasser
If the built-in degasser is not working and gives an error on power-on, the pump will be in error mode, and therefore no injections can be made. The user may wish to disable...
This Information Applies To: Agilent Liquid Chromatography (LC) systems
Shutting down the HPLC for a long period requires following this general procedure to prevent damage to the system and the column.
Steps to follow:
Store the...