Infinity 1260 II vialsampler standards dilution calibration programm


Is there any default programs avalaible for infinity II 1260 Autosampler? 
It would be nice for example, having some downloadable programs as tutorials  (making calibration with dilutions)

For OpenLab Chemstation (version LTS 01.11)

Parents Reply
  • Hi Nadjan,

    I continue my tests ;-)
    So for the moment the injector program seems to work now. I weighed my vials several times and i ve got my 100µl as well in vial after dilution by five 80 + 20 µL. I saw the bubbles from the loop to shake my solutions.

    In fact, the problem perharps comes from my sequence in wich i m injecting a blank from a vial in position P1-B1 as you can see here 

    my injector program working :

    Do you have an idea if there s a problem with my sequence test?

    Thanks a lot.

    L Stephan


    Are you still getting an error with this sequence?  What error message do you see?


  • Hi Andy,
    Yes i m still getting an error this one:

    I think that the error is coming from the sequence.
    The autosampler is taking the vial P1-B1, and after the needle is coming into vial the error appears.

    L Stephan 

  • Hi  

    Looking further down the list of errors I can see a "allowed volume exceeded".  I wonder what other errors are below this.  This is one where it would be good to be able to watch the sampler to see which of the steps in your injector program the error happens. I think the problem is in the injector program, not the sequence.  You could change the vial in the sequence to match the first vial in the injector program to see if that makes a difference.

    The other thing that I would check is that, when you edit the whole method from "Instrument...Set up Instrument Method" to make sure that the injector program is actually enabled:


  • Hi Andy thanks a lot for your response.

    Something is very strange,i made the injector program as you can see below 

    I made this to prepare 2 levels of dilution.
    The first dilution is ok but the injector took the vial P1-B1 specified in the sequence line instead making the second dilution as specified in the injector program.

    the sequence

    Any idea?

    Not very simple to use the dilution function :-)

  • Hi Lstephan,

    in fact, sounds interesting... When you specify the sample vial - the sample will be taken only if in the injector program you say "Draw from sample". I can see that you have this line in the recent injector program. Otherwise, if there is no line "Draw from sample", the location (in this example, P1-B1) will be ignored. Maybe you even want it? I am thinking that you could benefit from having one method with an injector program and using it to prepare dilutions. And the second method you can use for the actual analytics, without the injector program being activated. It is very strange that for washing the needle goes to P1-B1. Could you please check what is configured in the vialsampler as the washing step, a wash vial or flush port? Could it be that the wash vial is also assigned to P1-B1? Strange that the first needle wash works well and on the second the needle "wanders" somewhere else.

  • It also seems to me that you should remove line 9 and line 20 "Draw default volume from sample". The program draws 2 times from the sample by 5µL(?) and ejects it into P1-A6 in the first cycle and P1-A5 in the second cycle (part of the repeat 3 times cycle). It is more logical if the needle goes to P1-B1 earlier than you highlighted on the screenshot. Draw from sample command is one before the wash the needle step.

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