Infinity 1260 II vialsampler standards dilution calibration programm


Is there any default programs avalaible for infinity II 1260 Autosampler? 
It would be nice for example, having some downloadable programs as tutorials  (making calibration with dilutions)

For OpenLab Chemstation (version LTS 01.11)

Parents Reply
  • Hi Lstephan,

    I am sorry to say, but the answer about the air bubble "sandwich" is incorrect. The air plug exists, but it does not affect the aspirated or injected volumes.

    You mentioned earlier that you have a 100 µL loop. Could you please check if it is correctly configured? Right-click on the Sampler tile to get the menu and select Modify -> Flow Path

    Are the sizes of the head and the loop configured as 100?

    At the moment, this is the only thing that comes to my mind that could cause an error when you are trying to operate with 100 µL on the vialsampler. 

    And the injector program is correct, you checked, right? Wink You are not trying to take/eject more than 100 µL?

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