This Information Applies To: All Agilent ICP-MS Systems
Some samples may contain "Sticky" elements that take a long time to leave the system. After cleaning all glassware in the Sample Introduction System as per the maintenance DVD, an extra Active Clean can be performed.
Use appropriate PPE when working with strong acids
- When “sticky” elements (Tl, Sb, Th, Ag…) are taking too long to rinse out, replace autosampler probe and all other tubing leading up to the nebulizer.
- Option 1 to clean the system: with the plasma off, remove PTFE line from back of nebulizer and hang in a beaker. With all of the sample introduction lines hooked up, move the autosampler probe into 50 ml vials of each of the following solutions:
- ~30% NH4OH (30 min with peri at 0.3 rps)
- ~30% HCl (30 min with peri at 0.3 rps)
- ~30% HNO3 (30 min with peri at 0.3 rps)
- De-ionized (a few minutes at 0.3 rps)
- Let each of these solutions flow through the whole sample flow path. You might have to change the Tygon tubing after doing this.
Make sure you empty the 30% NH4OH from beaker before going to acid soluitons
- Option 2 to clean the system: Clean the probe rinse port by removal then soaking or actively pumping for 15 minutes for each step using the ALS peristaltic pump using the following solutions:
- MeOH or IPA to remove greasiness
- De-ionized Water
- Hot 2% Citrinox Solution
- De-ionized Water
- ~30% NH4OH
- ~30% HCl
- ~30% HNO3
- De-ionized Water
- Additional Cleaning Solutions (used in the Semiconductor industry). Use one or both of the following solutions, either as a rinse or for periodic cleaning
Learn more on how to effectively operate your Agilent ICP-MS Systems:
ICPMS-0GEN-1010e - Agilent ICP-MS with MassHunter: An Introduction to ICP-MS e-Learning course on Agilent education
ICPMS-0GEN-1030e - Agilent ICP-MS with MassHunter: Analysis Considerations e-Learning course on Agilent education
Keywords: Relative Standard Deviation, RSD, memory, contamination, ICPMS, sq, qqq, 7500, 7700, 7800, 7900, 8800, 8900