This information applies To: ICP-MS MassHunter Software.
There are not enough significant figures in the calibration curve slope and/or y-intercept to use the equation on the Calibration Curve image to calculate concentration by hand ( Figure 1 ). How to increase the number of significant...
This Information Applies To: Agilent Spectroscopy Systems, SPS 4 Autosampler
Issue: When the Agilent SPS 4 autosampler powers up, it performs an initialization routine, which moves the probe arm to predefined positions on all its axes (X, Y, and Theta (rotational). See Figure 1 . If the probe arm...
This Information Applies To: Agilent ICP-MS systems (7700/7800/7850/7900/8800/8900)
Drift up is most often a sign of poor cone conditioning.
Drift downwards is often associated with build up on the sample introduction components during an analysis. This build-up is more typical when running...
This Information Applies To: ICP-MS MassHunter with User Access Control (UAC)
It is necessary to update the database folder path in Change User Access Control:
After creating a new database in SDA with ICP-MS MassHunter.
To view a batch saved in a different database folder with protect...
This Information Applies To: Agilent ICP-MS systems (7700/7800/7850/7900/8800/8900)
Condition new or cleaned ICP-MS skimmer cones and sampler cones by aspirating a Conditioning Solution before use.
Drift up can be a sign of poor cone conditioning. During analysis as the cones...