Cleaning ICP MS 7900

Hello, for me the ICP MS is new territory.

I have a 2 question.

1. How do I rinse the ICP MS System with 5% nitric acid? Should I simply add the 5% nitric acid to the sample list before measuring?

2. Furthermore, if my boron level is above my limit (as a control). Gives a special cleaning procedure. How do I do this? Where can I find it?

Thank you in advance and have a nice Day. 

  • Here is the Boron rinse solution.

    0.5g EDTA (as the  acid not Na salt)
    0.2g Triton X-100
    15g NH4OH
    20g H2O2 & make up to
    250 mL with water. Dilute 1:10 in DI water for the final rinse  solution.

    Are you using the inert sample introduction parts?  Boron is in all the glass/quartz sample introduction pieces and will leach out while you run.  Depending on how low you want to see B, you may need to switch to inert sample intro.

  • Here is the Boron rinse solution.

    0.5g EDTA (as the  acid not Na salt)
    0.2g Triton X-100
    15g NH4OH
    20g H2O2 & make up to
    250 mL with water. Dilute 1:10 in DI water for the final rinse  solution.

    Are you using the inert sample introduction parts?  Boron is in all the glass/quartz sample introduction pieces and will leach out while you run.  Depending on how low you want to see B, you may need to switch to inert sample intro.

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