This Information Applies To: Agilent LC Samplers 1100/1200/1260/1290 series: G1313A, G1329A/B, G1367A/B/C/D/E, G7129A/B/C, G4226A
The system presents high pressure due to a blockage in the injection valve. The valve does not switch from bypass to main pass. There are contaminants in the autosampler. Poor injection-volume reproducibility. Leaking injection valve.
Items Required
Steps to Follow
Warning: Wear appropriate PPE (gloves, googles, and any other necessary personal protective equipment). While following the steps, you may come in contact with solvents while handling the instrument.
Opening the injection valve to access the rotor seal
Caution: Tighten them alternately with the 9/64'' wrench until the stator head is secure. The recommended torque for the screws is 2.25 Nm or until the handle of the 9/64'' hex key starts to twist in your hand.
Excessive tightening may impede the movement of the injection valve, triggering an error message. Resolve the error by untightening the bolts slightly. |
Figure 1: The image shows a valve of a G1329A-B module, however the rotor seal is sufficiently similar to all the LC autosamplers 1100 to 1290 series.
1. Bolts, 2. Stator Head, 3. Stator ring, 4. Rotor seal, 5. Isolation seal
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