This Information Applies To: Agilent ICP-MS MassHunter Software revisions 4.x and 5.x
How to clear or archive the acquisition queue? How to resolve queue task file errors?
The Acquisition Queue (Figure 1) lists all tasks completed by the instrument in the ICP-MS MassHunter Software. The Acquisition Queue information is saved in the QueueTask.xml configuration file. When the QueueTask.xml configuration file becomes too large, it will slow down the MassHunter software. It is important to regularly archive or clear the queue.
Figure 1. Acquisition Queue - MassHunter 5.1
The QueueTask.xml file can become corrupt, leading to software error messages such as:
To archive the queue, or resolve one of the errors above, follow the instructions in this article to rename the QueueTask.xml file.
Steps to Follow
Tip: If the Agilent folder is not on the C drive, check D:\Agilent\ICPMH\1.
Learn how to effectively maintain your Agilent ICP-MS System:
Agilent 7800/7850/7900 ICP-MS with MassHunter Agilent 8900 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS with MassHunter e-learning courses available from Agilent education |