This Information Applies To: ICP-MS MassHunter with User Access Control (UAC)
It is necessary to update the database folder path in Change User Access Control:
You must have access to Change User Access Control. If you cannot access it, see the article Error Accessing Change User Access Control (UAC) Application ICP-MS MassHunter.
Figure 1. Open Change User Access Control
1. Start button, 2. ICP-MS MassHunter Workstation folder, 3. Change User Access Control
Figure 3. Configure User Access Control
1. Current (old) database folder path, 2. Browse button
Figure 4. Database Folder Selector
1. Server, 2. New Database, 3. New Folder
Figure 5. Database Folder Selector
1. New folder on new database, 2. OK button
Figure 6. Configure User Access Control
1. New database folder path, 2. OK button
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