This Information Applies To: ICP-MS MassHunter with Spectroscopy Database Administrator (SDA) and Protect Local Data ON.
An 'Authentication failed' error message appeared after entering user name and password when attempting to download a batch using MassHunter Database Viewer.
The user name and password entered MUST be that of a windows user who is a member of the windows ICPMHAdmin group. These may not necessarily be the same user name and password used to access the ICP-MS MassHunter Software.
Follow the steps below to resolve the following possible errors -
Figure 2. Error: This User is not a member of the ICPMHAdmin group. Please read the help for more information.
Steps to Follow
Figure 4. Local Users and Groups window
1. Groups folder 2. ICPMHAdmin group, 3. Add button 4. User name entered 5. Check Names button
Tip: Contact your IT department for assistance in adding a user if needed.
Figure 5. Select Users window
1. User name listed 2. OK button
Figure 6. ICPMHAdmin Properties
1. Apply button 2. OK button
Figure 7. Authentication Required window
1. Windows user 'cse' 2. Password for Windows user 'cse'
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