This Information Applies To: Agilent GC/MSD systems
When performing MS tuning, there is error message "No Emission Current" and tune is aborted.
Steps to Follow
This error normally means that the selected filament is not working. Perform the following checks:
Tips: See article: How to Access Manual Tune in MassHunter and MSD productivity ChemStation
Figure 1.Manual Tune in MSD productivity ChemStation.
1. Profile button 2. Scan button 3. Filament Box
Figure 2.Manual Tune in MassHunter
1. Profile tab 2. Scan tab 3. Filament Box
Figure 3. Profile under MassHunter Manual Tune
1.Profile tab 2. Profile button
Figure 4. Scan under MassHunter Manual Tune
1.Scan tab 2. Scan button
3. Switch to another filament from the screen by double-clicking the Filament box.
4. Click the Scan or Profile button again and check whether a peak appears now you have switched filaments.
Warning: The analyzers, GC/MS interface, and other components in the analyzer chamber operate at high temperatures. Do not touch any part until you are sure it has cooled close to ambient temperature.
Tips: To see a list of consumables and supplies for your Agilent GC/MSD include Filaments: Instrument Supplies for GC/MS on
5. If there is no improvement, contact your local Agilent support representative.
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent MassHunter Workstation:
Agilent 5977 GC/MSD with MassHunter Workstation Learning path available from Agilenteducation. |