This Information Applies To: Agilent 5975 and 5977 Series GC/MSD with Foreline Pumps model Duo 2.5 or Duo 3
Procedure to replace oil pump in GC/MSD systems with a rotary vane pump. For optimal performance, execute this maintenance every six months.
Items Required
Steps to follow
Note: Before this procedure, you must complete the GC/MSD Vent process and ensure the foreline pump (Figure 1) is in a safe accessible location.
Warning: Temperature Hazard the foreline pump can cause burns if touched during operation. Allow the item time to cool and wear appropriate personal protective equipment.
Warning: Chemical Hazard, old oil may contain chemicals that may cause adverse reactions. Treat as hazardous waste and use appropriate personal protective equipment
Figure 1: Pfeiffer Duo Foreline Pump
1. Oil mist filter, 2. Fill cap, 3. Oil level line, 4. Drain plug
Draining the foreline pump oil
Figure 2: Draining the foreline pump oil
Refilling the pump oil
Figure 3: Refilling the Pump Oil
Learn more on how to effectively operate and troubleshoot your Agilent 5977 Series GC/MSD:
Agilent 5977 GC/MSD with MassHunter Workstation learning path available from Agilent education Agilent 5977 GC/MSD with OpenLab CDS learning path available from Agilent education