This Information Applies To: GC/MS system with 8890 or Intuvo GC
When the system is powered on, the GC to GC/MS (and 8697 headspace if equipped) communications do not initialize correctly, and the GC displays a Missing Hardware error.
The root cause of the problem is that when the power came back on, the GC to GC/MS communications did not initialize correctly. As a result, the GC cannot "see" the missing hardware. In a normal initialization, the MSD needs to complete their bootup procedures before the GC is powered on. The GC is the "controlling device" in the LVDS connections and needs to be able to talk to all the external devices so that it can display the correct menus on the GC keypad.
This procedure will work assuming all the GC/MS system devices startup without any other error causing messages, such as an inlet shutdown, or autosampler errors. This procedure also assumes that the MS is powered on and under vacuum. Any other hardware startup errors will need to be addressed separately.
Steps to Follow
11) Close MassHunter (or OpenLab CDS) and all other Windows programs running on the Workstation PC.
2) Reboot (or restart) the PC.
3) Once the PC starts, log in to Windows only. Do not start the controlling software.
4) Go to the 8890 or Intuvo GC and turn the power off to the GC ONLY. Leave the MS, and any other devices powered up.
5) Turn on the power to the GC and wait for a complete initialization of the system. (i.e. the GC displays the Inlet, Column, and Detector icons on the front display.) This initialization process can take up to 5 minutes.
6) Start MassHunter or OpenLab CDS. The system should complete the system session initialization without error.
7) Make sure to open a GC/MS method on the data system so that all the temperature setpoints are downloaded to all devices in the GC/MS system.
Learn how to effectively operate your Agilent GC/MS system: Agilent 5977 GC/MSD with OpenLab CDS Agilent 7000 or 7010 Triple Quadrupole GC/MS with MassHunter Workstation e-learning courses available from Agilent education |