This Information Applies To: Agilent headspace samplers (HS)
GC cycle time needs to be calculated correctly. Too short a GC cycle time will reduce sample quality and possibly stop the analysis prematurely. Too long GC cycle time can cause reduced sample throughput as vials wait longer than needed before processing.
GC cycle time is the total time required for the GC (or GC/MS) system to return to a ready state after a sample run. HS uses the GC cycle time to calculate throughput and timing. An accurate GC cycle time is crucial to optimize throughput and for correctly processing samples.
Tips: It is better to enter a longer time than needed than to enter too short a time and possibly reduce sample quality.
Steps to follow
Manual calculation
1. Check GC Run time.
2. Check GC Oven equilibration time. The default value is 3 minutes.
3. Check GC Cooling time. The cooling time is the time to go down to the original temperature after your analysis is over. It is recommended to calculate this parameter manually.
4. If needed, check GC prep run time and inlet cooling time. However, these parameters are not commonly used and should be added only when necessary.
5. Next, add all timings consolidated from Step 1 to 4.
6. Finally, with the total time calculated, do an addition of 3~5 minutes. The reason for adding this time is that GC is highly influenced by the surrounding environment, so there may be variables. Therefore, this addition of time is required for that variable.
Follow these steps for Agilent GC/HS systems controlled by the following software products:
To track GC cycle time via OpenLab CDS 2.x
Figure 1 OpenLab CDS headspace sampler configuration page
1.Control menu, 2. Configuration tab, 3. Preferences tab, 4. Option to tick Track GC cycle time, 5. OK option
Figure 2. Activity log under Home of OpenLab CDS
1.Home tab, 2. Activity log option, 3. Calculated GC cycle time shown in Activity log
To track GC cycle time via OpenLab ChemStation
Figure 3. Instrument menu under Method and Run Control
1. Instrument menu, 2. Agilent 7697A Configuration
Figure 4. Agilent 7697A Configuration page
1. Preference tab, 2. Tick box for Track GC cycle time
Figure 5. Example of sequence log file
1. Sequence name.log file, 2. Calculated GC cycle time
Figure 6. Example of Run.log file
1. Run.log file, 2.Calculated GC cycle time
To track GC cycle time via Masshunter Acquisition
Figure 7. Instrument Menu
1. Instrument tab, 2. Option for HS Edit Configuration Second label
Figure 8. Overview of mslogbook_history folder
1.Directory of mslogbook_history folder, 2. MSlogbk.htm files for sequence run on specific date and time
Learn how to effectively maintain and operate your Agilent Headspace
SI-7697-2100sV3 - Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler Operation and Maintenance SI-8697-2100sV2 - Agilent 8697 and 8697XL Headspace Sampler Operation and Maintenance e-learning courses available from Agilent education |