This Information Applies To: Agilent 5200/5300/5400 Fragment Analyzer, Agilent Femto Pulse, Agilent ZAG DNA Analyzer
Issue: The instrument encounters a run error, Run Aborted, Position fault: Did not reach target Z position (Figure 1). This error can occur if the drawer gets opened when the stage is still moving. The error occurs soon after starting the run.
Figure 1. Run Error:CtrlTaskStage Error
System Reboot:
Perform an entire system reboot as described in the Agilent Knowledge Portal article Full Power Cycle for Agilent Parallel Capillary Electrophoresis Instruments and as mentioned in the following steps:
If the issue persists, please perform a stage reset as described in the following procedure.
Reset Stage:
Please ensure the instrument is connected and that the stage is not holding any plate. This can be checked by opening each drawer and making sure all the white plate carriers are in the drawers. Then perform a stage reset from the controller software:
Figure 2: Select Hardware I/O from the Utilities menu of the controller software. The Fragment Analyzer controller software is shown as an example in this figure.
Figure 3: Reset stage to holding number value to zero.
Figure 4: Confirm that you wish to proceed with the stage reset after checking that the stage is not holding a tray.
If the error persists:
Figure 5: Steps to collect the event and error reports. The Fragment Analyzer controller software is shown as an example in this figure.
Caution: Before you reset the stage, ensure that it is not holding a plate. If the stage is holding a plate, the instrument might be damaged and the stage will not get reset.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.