This Information Applies to: Agilent 4200 and 4150 TapeStation software.
How to uninstall and reinstall the 4200 and 4150 TapeStation software.
An uninstallation and reinstallation of the TapeStation software should be performed to upgrade to the latest software version free...
This information applies to: Agilent automated electrophoresis and AriaMx real-time PCR systems
If you are looking to recycle your old Agilent product, Agilent provides customers with environmentally responsible solutions for the disposal and recycling of electronic equipment.
Steps to...
This information applies to: Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system
The Bioanalyzer short circuit diagnostic test has failed.
Run the short circuit test with an empty unused DNA, RNA, or protein assay chip. The short circuit test checks for leak currents within the instrument...
This information applies to: Agilent 4200 and 4150 TapeStation systems
When transporting the TapeStation, it is important that it is prepared for transport and packaged correctly to avoid damage to the instrument.
Steps to Follow
The original packaging used to ship the instrument can...
This I
information applies to: 4200 and 4150 TapeStation systems
What is the affinity of the dyes in the TapeStation DNA and RNA assays to single-stranded and double-stranded nucleic acid?
Caution : The assay quick guides detail the sample type that the specific...