How to upgrade MS source to Extractor 350?


I have a 5977 MS with SST source. I'm thinking of upgrading to Xtr 350. The MS can support it (There's an extra jack on the board to connect the extractor lens), but I was wondering if I need to make changes to the software or run the Parts Finder after installing the source. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


  • First recommendations and some questions:

    Equilibration Time 0.5 min Please increase to 1 min or more. Cooling to 45 from 270, the oven sheetmetal needs more time for the entire oven to equilibrate. This will improve run to run reproducibility.
    Injection Volume 2 μL 2 µL of what solvent ??  The vapor volume can be calculated to find out if the vapor will even fit into the injection port liner.  Also the initial oven temperature should be 10 to 25 degrees lower than the solvent boiling point for good cold trapping of your sample at the head of the column.
    Viscosity Delay 0 sec Please increase to 2 or 3 seconds. This has been proven to improve reproducibility. 
    Mode Splitless You may want to consider doing a pulsed splitless injection.   What liner is installed in the injection port?
    Heater On 260 °C The typical choice would be to have the inlet the same as your final oven temperature… so 270° C.
    Purge Flow to Split Vent 3 mL/min at 0.75 min This is wrong.  The purge flow to split vent must have the flow set high enough to sweep the liner quickly. I would recommend making this 50 ml/min at 0.75 minutes and then turn on Gas Saver to 30 ml/min at 2 minutes.
    Low Mass : 31 Why are you scanning starting at 31?  Do you need to see m/z 32 for some reason in your run data?
  • Thank you for your valuable recommendations!

    • I will increase the equilibrium time.
    • My solvent is Chloroform and from Vapor Volume Calculator I realized it will occupy ~82% of liner volume (~900ul) at 260C/7psi. So, I thought its feasible to inject 2ul. Chloroform boiling point is 61C, but I wasn't aware of this. Thank you!
    • I will increase the delay to 1-2 sec.
    • Liner is single taper.
    • Thank you for the pulsed splitless injection recommendation. I will use it. What would be the optimum injection pressure and time in that case?
    • I thought keeping inlet cooler than oven by ~10C prevents compound buildup and carry-over. That was the reason I keep it cooler. That's also the reason I put TL 10C higher than column.
    • Purge flow: I thought it might be problematic. I try to save gas since it's grade 5 (9.9999) and expensive. I will change the split vent flow. Is it possible to put the split vent on 3ml/min in standby mode and then increase it to 50ml/min a couple of hours before the start of analysis?
    • Most of the compounds of interest have very low mass (as low as 100). Even for some of them mass 27 is among the main mass peaks. I was even thinking to reduce it to 25m/z. What problem would this make? I usually put the maximum mass as my molecular weight+30Da in case they are methylated during derivatization.
    • Since I keep my split vent low, sometimes I see m/z 32, especially during my blank run before the batch.
  • The lower the injection port pressure, the less realistic is the vapor volume calculator. It's not perfection in there and 82% is too much.  With Chloroform you'd want the initial oven temperature to be 40° C or even lower. You say your compounds are very light, so reducing it to even 35° C might help chromatographic peak shapes.

    Pulsed splitless.30×250×.25 at 1 ml/min is your normal column flow with the inlet at 7.2892 psi at 45°C.  The diffusion pump in your system has a maximum allowable flow of 2 ml/min and the gas calculator says 16.497 psi to get that, so a pulse of 16 psi until 0.5 minutes and then purge flow 50 to split vent at 1.00 minutes would be a good starting point.  Then have gas saver on 25 ml/min at 2.00 minutes. 2 µL of chloroform at 16 psi and 260° C inlet gives 52% expansion, much better, much more realistic/safe/usable.

    The split splitless and multimode inlets require a minimum of at least 15 ml/min of total flow to function properly.  That 15 ml/min is not really enough to eliminate the possibility of air diffusion into the system, so I recommend 25 ml/min at all times.    If you need to save helium, Agilent sells a Helium Conservation Module that will let you switch to nitrogen whenever the system is not being used.

    You can scan from 10 m/z if you'd like as long as you understand that the TIC baseline will include 18, 28, and 32. 

    ANY 32 - oxygen -- in your system degrades the column and oxidizes the ion source requiring more cleaning. 

  • Thank you for your time and valuable information Paul! I really appreciate it! I am aware of water (18), N2 (28), and O2(32) and constantly check their presence.



  • Hi  

    Just wanted to ask a question out of curiosity. We are located in Fort Collins, 5,000 ft above sea level. So, the atmospheric pressure would be ~12.2 psi here. Is it possible to put inlet pressure at 12.5 psi along with a low septum purge (e.g. 3 ml/min) to prevent air from diffusing to GC when GC is in standby instead of having septum purge of 50ml/min? In this case column flow would be 1.48 ml/min for my setup.



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