How to upgrade MS source to Extractor 350?


I have a 5977 MS with SST source. I'm thinking of upgrading to Xtr 350. The MS can support it (There's an extra jack on the board to connect the extractor lens), but I was wondering if I need to make changes to the software or run the Parts Finder after installing the source. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!


  • For standby method I'd recommend inlet pressure ~5 psi.  This is gauge pressure so it'll work to prevent air diffusing into the inlet if there are any small leaks.  Keep in splitless mode, set purge flow to 20 mL/min, septum purge to 3 mL/min.

  • Keep constant flow 1.2 ml/min into the MS and do a Pulsed Splitless injection, tips in the help section of the Operating manual.  Your system's diffusion high vacuum pump can only handle 2.0 ml/min maximum so do not exceed that ever.

    If you have a 30m × 0.25mmid column installed, try these parameters.

    Oven initial temp 45° C for 1 minute at least.

    Pulsed splitless, 18.6 psi pulse for 0.5 minutes, then purge flow to split vent 50 ml/min at 1 minute. Gas Saver ON, 20 ml/min at 2 minutes.

    What is your injection solvent?  You can use the vapor volume calculator in the acquisition software to see if more sample will fit into the liner.

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