Warning: calibrated compound not found (GC-7890b)

Dear All,


I analysed samples and standards with GC-7890b for CH4, N2O and CO2. I could see the peaks for each gas in each sample during running and everything was normal.

When the work of machine has been finished, I checked the result out, I can't see peaks and I saw this message for each sample: Warning: calibrated compound not found!

Could you please give me advice about this problem? Do you think I can fix it?


Thank you so much,


Parents Reply
  • Fantastic!  I'm so happy we were able to get your peaks back.  Often with analyzers, one of the multiple pressure supply modules gets turned off when a cylinder is exchanged, or some type of maintenance is performed.  It is very easy to miss one of the set points when you aren't looking for so many. 


    Those manuals are invaluable for troubleshooting, but a re-boot and re-load is a great place to start.  Great work!  There is also a lot of great advice from our peers on this thread, should you run into trouble in the future. 




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