Warning: calibrated compound not found (GC-7890b)

Dear All,


I analysed samples and standards with GC-7890b for CH4, N2O and CO2. I could see the peaks for each gas in each sample during running and everything was normal.

When the work of machine has been finished, I checked the result out, I can't see peaks and I saw this message for each sample: Warning: calibrated compound not found!

Could you please give me advice about this problem? Do you think I can fix it?


Thank you so much,


  • Is it possible that your retention times shifted causing the peaks to fall out of their windows?

  • Dear Abdur,


    Thank you so much for your time and reply.


    If I understood your question correctly, I checked out the temperature and carrier gas first. Also, I checked it out during running, everything about the machine was going correctly.

    I could see peaks for each gas in each sample. I checked the result out when machine work has been finished, I can't see peaks or amounts in the result file. It is reported for all samples "Warning: calibrated compound not found".

    Also, I saw these signals in the software, for each sample is like these images when I click on the signal part.





    Thank you so much,


  • Dear Abdur,


    Thank you so much for your time and reply.


    If I understood your question correctly, I checked out the temperature and carrier gas first. Also, I checked it out during running, everything about the machine was going correctly.

    I could see peaks for each gas in each sample. I checked the result out when machine work has been finished, I can't see peaks or amounts in the result file. It is reported for all samples "Warning: calibrated compound not found".

    Also, I saw these signals in the software, for each sample is like these images when I click on the signal part.





    Thank you so much,


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