Warning: calibrated compound not found (GC-7890b)

Dear All,


I analysed samples and standards with GC-7890b for CH4, N2O and CO2. I could see the peaks for each gas in each sample during running and everything was normal.

When the work of machine has been finished, I checked the result out, I can't see peaks and I saw this message for each sample: Warning: calibrated compound not found!

Could you please give me advice about this problem? Do you think I can fix it?


Thank you so much,


Parents Reply
  • Hi Milad,

    I looked at the method and data files and don't see anything wrong with them.  It is a bit unusual that you have the front detector listed as signal 2 and the back detector as signal 1 but there is no reason you can't specify it that way.

    Since you are using a headspace there are all sorts of things that can cause no peaks (plugged lines / leaking lines / bad valves).  Can you confirm that you see peaks for the signals on the "Online Plot".  The data files look very much like blanks.


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