Thank you sir for the best answers.

I have another question to ask.

My new MPAES 4210 is just a year old. My plan is to Analyse metals for Lube Oil Condition Monitoring for mine fleets.

However, I find bit difficult to get the correct calibration. I used two-point calibration standards as 0ug/g, 100ug/g and 900ug/g (for Additives). MPAES software error message signal me as;

1. QC setup failed.

2. QC calibration validation failed

Hence, seeking any advice to get the MPAES calibration set up for Organic Lube Oils.

Thank you for your kind assistance


  • Anyone have a solution or suggestions to my question regarding MPAES calibration?

  • 1. QC setup failure may occur when there are 0's instead of actual values in the table for the QC sample.

    2. When you make your calibration blank and standards, what solvent are you using? Are you also using base oil to help match viscosity? If you are not matching viscosities of the blank, and calibration standards, then the calibration will fail because of matrix differences. 

  • Thank you for this response.

    My calibration standards used for analyzing wear, additives and contaminants metals in lube oils as follows;
    1) Blank - made from 1ml Oil Base in 10ml Narrow Cut kerosene
    2) 100ug/g - made from 500ug/g multi-element. (10gram in 100gram oil base).
    3) 900ug/g additive standard.

    Error message I got as follows;
     QC error.

    Can you provide advice;
    1) Correct standards or number of standard used.
    2) Correct preparation method

    Thank you for your response.


  • Typically, with wear metals analysis, you make a 1:10 dilution by weight of sample (oil) in kerosene. This means the ratio of oil to solvent is 1g:10g, and therefore when you prepare your calibration standards, they must also be 1g:10g oil to kerosene.   

    You must prepare everything by weight, not by volume.

    Blank (0ug/g):   10 grams base oil up to 100 grams kerosene

    Calibration std 1  (10ug/g): take 2 grams of 500ug/g multielement std, add 8 grams of base oil, and make up to 100 grams with kerosene

    Calibration std 2 (50ug/g): take 10 grams of 500 ug/g multielement std and make up to 100 grams with kerosene

    Calibration std 3 (90ug/g): take 10 grams of 900ug/g  additive std and make up to 100 grams with kerosene

    I also recommend the use of an internal standard for this analysis. 

  • Hi Tina,

    Much appreciated for this insight!

    I will definitely try this out and let you know the outcome.

    I have been using 3 points calibration standards;
    1) Blank cal - 0ug/g
    2) 100ug/g
    3) 900ug/g basically to setup calibration for high additives (Calcium, Zinc and phosphorus), around 3000ug/g to 5000ug/g concentration.
    I use yttrium diluent (10ug/g in kerosene) throughout in samples and standards.

    I was trying to set up a calibration that will cater for analyzing wear, additives and contaminant metals together in one calibration from the template. But it doesn't work as it says "QC error". 50ug/g CCV is giving not accurate and giving false readings. 


  • You may have to dilute your samples (by weight) more than 1:10. For example, if you need a 1:100 dilution, you would take 0.1 grams of sample, 0.9 grams of base oil, and make up to 10 grams with kerosene. You want to keep a consistent ratio of oil:solvent to be 1:10. 

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