This Information Applies To: Agilent ICP-OES 5000 Series (5100/5110/5800/5900) with ICP Expert 7.5.x Software
The Recommended Routine Maintenance Schedule does not adjust for the number of samples analyses or the sample matrix, both of which impact maintenance requirements. Too frequent maintenance increases downtime and consumable costs, too infrequent can impact analytical performance.
The ICP Expert User Maintenance Counters enable the maintenance schedule to be set to match the sample type and number being run on the instrument. The software uses sample counters and other intelligent sensors to determine when maintenance is required and sends a notification to the screen.
Steps to Follow
Set the User Maintenance Counters
On the ICP Expert launch page, select the Instrument tab, then select Maintenance menu to display the User Maintenance Counters options. Select from the following options, then click Confirm:
General. Typical aqueous or acid digested samples with a TDS below 5%. Application may include most food and environmental analysis.
High TDS/Organics. High matrix aqueous or acid digested samples with a TDS above 5%. Applications may include geochemical and seawater analysis.
Don't Generate Defaults. No default maintenance counters are created, and the user defines counters (go to step 3).
To set the Instrument Counters located below the alert indicators select Define New Counter … and enter your desired value:
Using the User maintenance Counters
The system will monitor the set criteria to determine when maintenance is required and when it reaches the criteria it will change the color of the appropriate alert indicators. The color codes are:
Green: No maintenance is required.
Orange: Maintenance will be required soon.
Red: Maintenance required immediately.
In addition, the system will send a Maintenance Counter Elapsed reminder when the set criteria has been reached. The reminder will not stop the instrument running.
When the maintenance has been completed, return to the User Maintenance Counters page and Reset the appropriate counter.
Learn how to effectively maintain Agilent ICP-OES:
ICPOES-MULTI-2200e - Agilent 5000 Series ICP-OES Maintenance and Tips for Optimal Performance
ICPOES-MULTI-2210e - Agilent 5000 Series ICP-OES Troubleshooting System Issues e-learning courses available from Agilent education |