This Information Applies To: Agilent ICP-MS MassHunter 5.1 Software, SPS 4 Autosampler
The SPS-4 autosampler (ALS) may need to be reconfigured after the Glitch Resetter tool is used to reset the software or after a change from a different autosampler, such as the ASX-520. This process will aid in configuring the SPS 4 autosampler inside the ICP-MS MassHunter software (in this article ICP-MS MassHunter version 5.1 was used).
Steps to Follow
Figure 1. Use autosampler option selected.
Figure 2. Autosampler properties option selected.
Figure 3. Autosampler properties option in Dashboard
Figure 4. SPS 4 autosampler selection.
Figure 5. SPS 4 autosampler rack configuration.
Figure 6. COM Port selection for SPS 4.
Tips: You can find the COM Port assigned to the SPS 4 Autosampler under Device Manager of the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Figure 7. Windows Device Manager showing COM port for SPS 4.
Figure 8. SPS 4 probe depth standard configuration.
Figure 9. SPS 4 standard advanced settings and default reset.
Figure 10. Dashboard showing SPS 4 autosampler is configured.
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