This Information Applies To: Agilent 4200 and 4150 TapeStation software.
How to uninstall and reinstall the 4200 and 4150 TapeStation software.
An uninstallation and reinstallation of the TapeStation software should be performed to upgrade to the latest software version free of charge. Technical support sometimes recommends uninstalling and reinstalling the TapeStation software as part of troubleshooting. If there is a problem with the original PC controlling the Agilent TapeStation instrument, the TapeStation software can be downloaded onto a different PC. The TapeStation software can also be downloaded onto other PC for data analysis.
Steps to Follow
Review the ReadMe file for the software version that you want to download to ensure that your PC is meeting the minimum requirements. Find the ReadMe file of the latest software version in the software download page: Software Download | Agilent Tapestation Software.
Uninstallation instructions
Installation instructions
Log in to Windows with an account with administrative rights.
Close any programs that are running, including all instances of any TapeStation software subprogram.
Insert the installation USB flash drive (a USB with the software is shipped with the TapeStation when the instrument is purchased) into your PC or download the installation program free of charge from the following link: Software Download Agilent | Tapestation Software. Fill the form in the download page with your data and download the software.
In the PC folder or device where the installation package for the TapeStation software is located, run the Setup.exe file.
If a Windows security message appears, click Yes, to allow the program to make changes on the computer.
When the dialog box in Figure 1 appears, select I agree to the license terms and conditions, then click the Install button.
Figure 1. Agilent TapeStation Software 5.1. installer
Allow the TapeStation software setup executable to install all required components (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Installation of all required components by the TapeStation software setup executable
Windows may display a security message asking if the user wants to install specific device software. Click Install to continue (Figure 3).
Once the TapeStation software has been successfully installed click Close to finish the installation.
Restart the PC.
Switch on the TapeStation instrument and wait at least 60 seconds before starting the TapeStation controller software. Start each of the software parts (Controller, Analysis, and Agilent Information Center) by double clicking the desktop icons. This first software start finalizes the software registration. The first time you start the software, it might take longer than normal.
Tip: If you are using the software to control an instrument, please run the software installation verification to ensure the compatibility and performance. How to run the software installation verification is described in the article How to Run the Software Verification Test in TapeStation Systems.
Learn how to effectively operate and maintain your Agilent TapeStation:
Agilent 4200 TapeStation System Manual on Agilent 4150 TapeStation System Manual on
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.