EIC report with smaller chromatogram to reduce the number of pages in the report

I tried to copy EIC Signal description items near each other and I don't know how to avoid this problem showed below. 

As you can see, the three chromatogram is the same compound. How can I avoid this repetition? 

thank you for your help. 

  • Hello,

    Try the MS Chromatogram Flowlayout object instead of the individual chromatograms. 


  • Hi Martin. I have the same problem. I don't know how to manage the group repeating so we can have different compound name on chromatogram lighted in gray. 

  • I finnaly got what I have wanted. Thank you again. I tried to add the Multiplier used in the calibration Compound table used for a specific calculation with samples into my sequence injection summary: 

    But I only found multipliers that included the 5 possible multipliers. 

    Do you know how to select a specific multiplier to add on the sequence summary? 

  • Do you know how to change the response value of the courve into raw date ms counts? 

    Right now it's the 100% of response relatec to the 1 calibration point. 

  • Hello,

    The explanation from the Openlab Help and Learning is copied below. Depending on where you are using the resultant value you may need to place the expression in a Val() function. 


    Show only part of a value

    Depending on the value of a data field, you may want to show only part of the value.

    For example, the data fields Sample_DilutionFactor and Sample_Multipliers show five numbers separated by semicolon, but only part of the numbers may be set by the chromatographic data system. Therefore the value may look like 10; 0; 0; 0; 0 if only the first number is set. To display only the number 10 instead of the entire string, you can use the following expression:

    =Choose(1, Split(Sample_Multipliers, ";"))

    • The Split function divides the string in several parts, using the semicolon as a delimiter. In this example, the different parts are the single numbers.

    • The Choose function selects and returns a specific value from a list of values. In this example, it returns the first value, that is, the number 10.

  • it works but I obtained a value of 1. It is supposed to be 10. I put 10 as multiplier in the calibration table and it also works to calculate concentration in ppm (ug/g). 

    But in the injection list, the five multiplier are at 1. 

    I am not sure what's wrong here. 

    I need to use the function related to the multiplier used in the process method. 

    Which multiplier is used in the concentration mass % ? 

    Based on my results, the multiplier need to be a 10 in order to give my result in ppm. It seems to work. I will do a test tomorrow addind another multiplier and check if my sample's results are affected. 

  • If you add this to a sequence summary report, what it would do is show only the first injection or if they are in stacked mode it may show all injections at once on the same plot. If you change the sorting you can get a different order instead. What I expect you would want is for it to repeat for every injection. I don't know what you have it repeating on currently, if anything, but if it is already repeating on something, then you can simply put another group around it and set that to repeat by injection_ID, sorted by sample_OrderNo and Injection_AcquisitionOrderNo (to make sure it goes first to last injection).

  • Thank you for the advice. I appreciate that. 

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