MassHunter Excel Report Not Displaying All Compounds

Similar questions have been asked, but the issue we're having is this:  We need all the compounds to display on the report, not just those with a response.  The ones without a response should show "N.D." or something like that.  


We are using the EnviroQuant_QuantitationResults_B_06_01.xltx template, and have already set up a LIMS interface based on this report, so we really need to be able to edit this particular template, rather than build a new one in ReportBuilder.  I've noticed a lot of the current question responses suggest using that.



  • Hi ,


    I apologize for the delayed response.


    In general this type of change is made to Excel templates by changing the filter for PeakID from only being equal to 0, which means the target was found, to being equal to 0 OR blank, since PeakID is blank if no peak is found. The environmental templates are a bit more complex though, with the larger number of sample, standard, and compound types. For detailed assistance in getting this particular template to meet your needs it may be best to contact your local service support team so they can find an appropriate resource to assist.

  • Hi ,


    I apologize for the delayed response.


    In general this type of change is made to Excel templates by changing the filter for PeakID from only being equal to 0, which means the target was found, to being equal to 0 OR blank, since PeakID is blank if no peak is found. The environmental templates are a bit more complex though, with the larger number of sample, standard, and compound types. For detailed assistance in getting this particular template to meet your needs it may be best to contact your local service support team so they can find an appropriate resource to assist.

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