DA Reprocessor: The operation has timed out

I'm trying to use the DA Reprocessor (B.08.00) to process TOF data as a batch on a Windows workstation.  If there are too many features, the DA Reprocessor stops with the following error in the log:


Failed to run worklist Qual: The Operation has time out.


I know the processing will work if I run it in MassHunter Qualitative Analysis, but I have many files to process.  Is there a way, maybe in a config file, to extend the amount of time before it gives the error?


On a related note, is there a way to increase the number of CPU cores the software will use?  It appears using Task Manager that the software generally won't use more than one (of eight).



  • Hi dtush,


    According to R&D - the DA Reprocessor has a hard-coded (not user editable) timeout value of 1 hour. As such - I'm surprised to hear that your encountering a timeout error while processing your data. Does your data actually take 1 hour to process (even interactively)?


    If not, I'd like to collect an example data to study. One which does not complete before the timeout error is thrown. Would you be willing to share the data file, method, and a few specifics about which workflow you're running (find by formula, or MFE + a library search, etc)?




  • The one hour hard-coded time limit sounds unfortunate and is compounded by the DA Reprocessor halting at the error.  That means I have to restart the worklist (after the one that had the error and process it in Qual (B.07.00)--where it certainly takes time, but will run to completion.


    I'd be happy to provide the applicable files.  What is the best way to get the to you?


    The workflow is simple:  MFE + DB search.  The database contains about 4,000 entries.


    Thanks for looking at the problem.

  • I've prepared a drop folder for you to deposit any data.




    Be sure to .zip up everything first so the upload goes smoothly. Also, be sure to include the DB, data file, and Qual method so I can make sure to reproduce your exact workflow.



  • Ok so I've downloaded your data and attempted to reproduce the issue. Here's what I found.


    With Qual B.08 (interactive) - processing this data file takes about 10-15 minutes.

    With Qual B.08 (using DA Reprocessor) - processing this data file also takes about 10-15 minutes.


    With Qual B.07 (interactive) - process cannot complete. Even after 1 hour of waiting the search is still not complete.


    I have not yet tried Qual B.07 (using DA Reprocessor) because if Qual can't finish it interactively - the DA Reprocessor can't be expected to.


    Would you be willing to use Qual B.08 for the DA Reprocessing of this data? Even if you don't like Qual B.08 proper - the DA reprocessor still generates the same output without issue.




  • Hey Dan,


    They co-reside with each other. You can have both open at the same time on the same PC, even looking at the same data file simultaneously.


    As for the DA Automation - the rule is, which ever is installed last does the automation.


    So if you have B.07 installed, then install B.08 - when you run DA Reprocessing, B.08 will do that work. If you then uninstall B.07 and reinstall B.07 - B.07 will take over the DA Reprocessing.


    As for the next step - I'll need to reach out to your account manager. Can you email me your contact details so I can look up who that is. (or if you already know you're welcome to reach out to them directly). [Personal Information Removed by Moderator]



    Matt Leyden

  • Hey Dan,


    They co-reside with each other. You can have both open at the same time on the same PC, even looking at the same data file simultaneously.


    As for the DA Automation - the rule is, which ever is installed last does the automation.


    So if you have B.07 installed, then install B.08 - when you run DA Reprocessing, B.08 will do that work. If you then uninstall B.07 and reinstall B.07 - B.07 will take over the DA Reprocessing.


    As for the next step - I'll need to reach out to your account manager. Can you email me your contact details so I can look up who that is. (or if you already know you're welcome to reach out to them directly). [Personal Information Removed by Moderator]



    Matt Leyden

  • Alright, I've just started testing B.08 and the initial signs are promising.  It is certainly going through the data files faster.  I'll check next week that the output is the same as it was from B.07 or if any differences that arise matter.


    One thing that isn't the same is that along with the .csv that I asked for it to export in the automation it is also putting out a .mzdata.xml which it wasn't doing under B.07.  Being unfamiliar with B.08, why is it generating these files--they aren't exactly small--and how would I turn it off?



  • Something has gone awry.  Looking at the method in B.08, I saw a checkbox marked for the mzdata export.  I didn't think it should be using it, but I thought I would test it with it unchecked.  I stopped the worklist, saved the method, and then restarted the worklist.  But now it doesn't seem to be functioning the same.  It had been finishing the method for each data file in just a couple of minutes, now it will eventually time out again.  It's also getting higher and higher in memory usage (as seen through task manager), which it wasn't doing before.  I tried the normal things to fix it, changing the method back, reloading the method from the B.07 version, restarting the computer, etc.  It still has this non-functional behavior. The method will still run fine (in just a few minutes for data file) if I load it in Qual B.08, so it seems to be a DA Reprocessor thing.


    Any advice?  I would still prefer the DA Reprocessor because I want to run three methods sequentially (each searching a different database) and that (as far as I know) takes manual intervention in interactive.



  • Sorry, I know this keeps getting to be more and more...

    The results from B.07 and B.08 aren't the same.  For instance, the example data I sent generates 8,807 features using MFE in B.07, but only 8567 in B.08.  And I think that's actually fine, as long as I'm careful not to mix and match which program I use to analyze that data.  But it would be helpful to know if the algorithm changed between the versions or if there are additional settings or something the new one has that makes it different.



  • This seems to be a working answer.  Thank you for you help.



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