cyanate detection on Qtof 6550 iFunnel



I have been trying hard to detect a small molecule called cyanate (m/z 41.9985) in negative mode using QTOF 6550 iFunnel. We are using a hypercarb column using sodium acetate (20 mM, pH 7) in water for Buffer A and acetonitrile for Buffer B, with a general gradient (95%A to 100%B over ~30 min). After several attempts, we found only "zero abundance" upon EIC for the target mass even with an appropriate range setting on method (m/z 25-3200). Is there anyone who can offer us a good suggestion for the detection? I am also attaching tune report file for detailed settings that w have been using. 

We will really appreciate for any inputs and thank you!



  • Hi Joonseok,


    A small molecule like cyanate is likely to benefit from a tune that enhances transmission of low m/z ions. Depending on which version of MassHunter Acquisition software you have installed, there are different options to try to optimize the tune for transmission of small ions. In the most recent version, you can select an option to optimize the transmission for 50-250 m/z ions that are fragile or stable... I would try one of these tunes. If you have an earlier version of MassHunter Acquisition software then you could follow the "Manually calibrate the Q-TOF LC/MS for ultra low m/z range" process. The manual process can be found in the help section accessed from MassHunter Acquisition software (from the Help 'Contents' tab navigate to 'Data Acquisition' --> 'TOF/Q-TOF Calibration and Tuning' --> 'Manually calibrate the Q-TOF LC/MS for ultra low m/z range').


    Have you tried one of these options?


    Kind Regards,



  • OMG, thank you so much for the great advice, James! I don't even know if there is such an option available. We are using an earlier version software and I will try it! Thank you again!



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