Infinity 1260 II vialsampler standards dilution calibration programm


Is there any default programs avalaible for infinity II 1260 Autosampler? 
It would be nice for example, having some downloadable programs as tutorials  (making calibration with dilutions)

For OpenLab Chemstation (version LTS 01.11)

  • Hi  

    I would recommend thinking carefully before you get your autosampler to do dilutions for calibrations.  

    I've always been concerned about the potential for carryover when using the sampler to dilute from a stock solution that is much more concentrated than the lowest standard, since the needle and sample loop are both exposed to that higher concentration.

    If you do write an injector program to do this, make sure that you put in plenty of needle washes; one for each time the needle has been into a vial!


  • Hi Andy,

    Thanks a lot for your recommandation.
    For the moment, i ve got a error with my dilution programm so i can test the potential carryover.

    I ve got the infinity 1260 II Vialsampler and i m working with OpenLab.

    L Stephan

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