
Buenos días, tengo un HPLC Agilent 1100. Tengo dos consultas:
1- Que repetibilidad debería tener el inyector?
2- En lab advisor en la sección EMF`s aparece una tabla con los contadores de cada módulo pero sin límites de referencia. Entiendo que los mismos me servirian para evaluar el estado de los modulos. Que limites deberian tener para que me sean de utilidad?


  • Good morning, I have an Agilent 1100 HPLC. I have two queries:
    1- What repeatability should the injector have?
    2- In the lab advisor, in the EMF`s section, a table appears with the counters of each module but without reference limits. I understand that they would help me to evaluate the status of the modules. What limits should they have to be useful to me?


  • Good morning, I have an Agilent 1100 HPLC. I have two queries:
    1- What repeatability should the injector have?
    2- In the lab advisor, in the EMF`s section, a table appears with the counters of each module but without reference limits. I understand that they would help me to evaluate the status of the modules. What limits should they have to be useful to me?

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