UV Lamp hours keep  increasing when HPLC system is at standby mode


Can you please provide me reason Why UV lamp hours of G1315A detector keep increasing even if 1100 HPLC system is at standby mode and instrument part i.e pump, lamp, thermostat and auto sampler is off after last sequence run ?




Thank you



  • I am the PSE for all LC detectors, except ELSD, but I have not heard about such issue before. Furthermore your G1315A is 22 years old and fully out of support since end of 2011! The Chemstation used is out of support as well and the FW on the DAD is outdated and too low. You then also sent almost 20 MB data of not much value. Usually we tell all CEs to collect at least a full LabAdvisor system report and the diagnostic buffers, which would be a fraction of the size of the four photos. In your case I also have my doubts about the D2 lamp. Is it an Agilent one? You didn't mention any part or serial number.

  • I am the PSE for all LC detectors, except ELSD, but I have not heard about such issue before. Furthermore your G1315A is 22 years old and fully out of support since end of 2011! The Chemstation used is out of support as well and the FW on the DAD is outdated and too low. You then also sent almost 20 MB data of not much value. Usually we tell all CEs to collect at least a full LabAdvisor system report and the diagnostic buffers, which would be a fraction of the size of the four photos. In your case I also have my doubts about the D2 lamp. Is it an Agilent one? You didn't mention any part or serial number.

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