Good day Agilent community. We encountered an error in autotuning our GC-QQQ 7890B, in which the following error was stated: "Error in autotune! Adjust Peak Width Failed". My supervisor has tried numerous of other parameters such as doing a manual autotune and we found out the problem arises at MS1, due to check tune indicating that the low, mid and high Isotope mass ratio was a bit outside the parameters. What could possibly be the problem with MS1 and is there any way to fix this before contacting a technician for a full service. Thank you all kindly.
*Edit* The peaks look like baseline/noise and are not resolved during autotuning. My supervisor was able to get our 69 peak resolved during manual tuning and playing around with the quad1 DC voltages however, the peaks went back noise/baseline once we tried autotuning again.