Hi, I have a GC 6890N with 5973N Mass selective detection, last week the computer failed and I had to change for another computer, on this computer windows XP, I installed the MSD ChemStation G1701EA E.02.00.493 software, on the  Agilent MSD configuration

Hi, I have a GC 6890N with 5973N Mass selective detection, last week the computer failed and I had to change for another computer, on this computer windows XP, I installed the MSD ChemStation G1701EA E.02.00.493 software, on the  Agilent MSD configuration I cheked the networking and the the instrument passed all Networks Tests, even I ping the IP of the mass detector and the GC and those pings are OK, but when I run MSD Chemstation a pop up window " MSINSCTL " shows " Mass Spect is already in use by other session". Somebody can help me, please.

  • Hi,

    I've been trying to set up two network cards as mentioned in the original post, but with no luck. I have a 6890A plus, and a 5973N, MSD Chemstation D.01.00 build 75 (G1701DA), loaded on a Dell Optiplex 330, which has an Intel CPU (so it's not an AMD thing in my case)


    I have tried setting static IP addresses for everything, so that our network doesn't try to use DHCP for anything (all of the addresses below are in the same subnet, but are outside of the range for the DHCP server). I have set up something like the following:


    Instrument NIC card

    10.30.xxx.20 - instrument connection (on-board NIC) - subnet mask

    10.30.xxx.1 - default gateway


    In BootP (with associated MAC addresses)

    10.30.xxx.21 - 6890N

    10.30.xxx.22 - 5073N

    10.30.xxx.20 - default gateway for both instruments


    Local Area Connection second PCI NIC card

    10.30.xxx.25 - subnet mask

    10.30.xxx.1 - default gateway

    Added two DNS service for our network.


    MSD ChemStation still can't load the MS. 


    Anyone solved this?

  • Hi,

    I've been trying to set up two network cards as mentioned in the original post, but with no luck. I have a 6890A plus, and a 5973N, MSD Chemstation D.01.00 build 75 (G1701DA), loaded on a Dell Optiplex 330, which has an Intel CPU (so it's not an AMD thing in my case)


    I have tried setting static IP addresses for everything, so that our network doesn't try to use DHCP for anything (all of the addresses below are in the same subnet, but are outside of the range for the DHCP server). I have set up something like the following:


    Instrument NIC card

    10.30.xxx.20 - instrument connection (on-board NIC) - subnet mask

    10.30.xxx.1 - default gateway


    In BootP (with associated MAC addresses)

    10.30.xxx.21 - 6890N

    10.30.xxx.22 - 5073N

    10.30.xxx.20 - default gateway for both instruments


    Local Area Connection second PCI NIC card

    10.30.xxx.25 - subnet mask

    10.30.xxx.1 - default gateway

    Added two DNS service for our network.


    MSD ChemStation still can't load the MS. 


    Anyone solved this?

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