I bought refurbished EPC module for my Agilent 7890A and receive error:  Agilent 7890 FID EPC (G3431-60531)

How to set it up on my GC?

  • Hi dczokajlo,

    Agilent doesn't support any refurbishment  of the EPC modules and we do not have a program for this. I suspect you may have a defective module or a module that was rebuilt using parts from another type of GC. The only suggestion I would have at this point is to remove from the configuration and add it back in. 


    Replacing a GC module
    When replacing an EPC module or a detector signal board, you will have to update the configuration of the GC. This is because the configuration information includes the unique ID# and manufacturing date for these parts.
    To configure the new GC module
    Replace the module and power on the GC. The GC will list the Exceptions to the configuration and indicate that these modules are broken or missing.
    Unlock the Configuration locks ("Configuration locks").
    Press [Config] and select the GC module that you replaced.
    Press [Mode/Type]. The GC displays Remove module. Press [Enter].
    A Caution message tells you to reboot the GC.
    Press [Mode/Type]. The GC displays Install module. Press [Enter].
     Be sure that you select the correct module configuration. Incorrect selections can cause operation problems. For example, for an FPD select the 2 heater version.
    A Caution message tells you to reboot the GC.
    Press [Options]. Scroll to Communications and press [Enter].
    Scroll to Reboot the GC. Press [Yes/On] twice.
    Navigate to the configuration table for the GC module.
    Verify that the configuration is correct. Modify any additional configuration items, such as, Gas type or Lit offset.
  • Hi dczokajlo,

    Agilent doesn't support any refurbishment  of the EPC modules and we do not have a program for this. I suspect you may have a defective module or a module that was rebuilt using parts from another type of GC. The only suggestion I would have at this point is to remove from the configuration and add it back in. 


    Replacing a GC module
    When replacing an EPC module or a detector signal board, you will have to update the configuration of the GC. This is because the configuration information includes the unique ID# and manufacturing date for these parts.
    To configure the new GC module
    Replace the module and power on the GC. The GC will list the Exceptions to the configuration and indicate that these modules are broken or missing.
    Unlock the Configuration locks ("Configuration locks").
    Press [Config] and select the GC module that you replaced.
    Press [Mode/Type]. The GC displays Remove module. Press [Enter].
    A Caution message tells you to reboot the GC.
    Press [Mode/Type]. The GC displays Install module. Press [Enter].
     Be sure that you select the correct module configuration. Incorrect selections can cause operation problems. For example, for an FPD select the 2 heater version.
    A Caution message tells you to reboot the GC.
    Press [Options]. Scroll to Communications and press [Enter].
    Scroll to Reboot the GC. Press [Yes/On] twice.
    Navigate to the configuration table for the GC module.
    Verify that the configuration is correct. Modify any additional configuration items, such as, Gas type or Lit offset.
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