GC ALS error 245

we are getting the ALS error 245 frequently ,ALS tower firmware also updated with A.11.04 .Even after Firmware version upgraded ALS error 245 has come two times.How to Minimize like this type of error.

  • Hi, having the same issue just now with a brand new autosampler and needle. So the age and usage of the needle should not be a reason. Does someone have a possible explanation for this?

  • Hello  ,

    Are you getting error 245 as well? When the error happens, please look at the ALS and see if the fault light is solid, or flashing; if it is flashing, how many times does it flash? I don't know what error 245 is referring to, but the fault light behaviour indicates what the problem is.

  • Yes, I also have the error 245. The light is flashing. I didnt count but it seems like its constantly flashing until restarted. The last days the error also occurred in the other vials. So apparently the vial number is not relevant. If I click "Try again" when the error is occuring, it works in most cases but not all.

  • Hello  ,

    The light should flash a number of times, then stop, then repeat the cycle.

    Plunger errors are caused by:

    - Sticky syringes.

    - Improper syringe sizes.

    - Motor problems.

    - Mismatch between syringe configured in the SW and the physical syringe installed.

    - Viscous sample with improper plunger speeds.

    You can rule out most of those by simply removing the syringe and trying to run an injection. If it's still erroring out, it's a mechanical problem with the tower.

  • Hello,

    the light flashes 4 times and the error occures after washing and discarding the sample when the needle should take up and release the sample before injecting. Today was the first time the error occured after injection before the post-washing step.

    We are using the G4567A Autosampler with the 10µl syringe being delivered with it 3 weeks ago. Only around 30 samples were injected prior to the error first occuring.

    The samples are monosaccharide acetates isolated from milk solved in Dichloromethane and we selected the plunger speed to be fast.

    The problem with this out ruling method is that the erro does not occur every time, so I would not know if it is just a coincident or really a solution.

  • Hello,

    the light flashes 4 times and the error occures after washing and discarding the sample when the needle should take up and release the sample before injecting. Today was the first time the error occured after injection before the post-washing step.

    We are using the G4567A Autosampler with the 10µl syringe being delivered with it 3 weeks ago. Only around 30 samples were injected prior to the error first occuring.

    The samples are monosaccharide acetates isolated from milk solved in Dichloromethane and we selected the plunger speed to be fast.

    The problem with this out ruling method is that the erro does not occur every time, so I would not know if it is just a coincident or really a solution.

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