Troubleshooting front inlet flow problems

I require technical support for a 6890 GC.  When running a method with a temperature ramp, at the higher temperatures there is an inlet flow shutdown and the GC shuts down.  The upstream carrier pressure is 95 psi which should be high enough.  I notice, when setting up a method, that when I change the pressure for the back inlet, the front inlet pressure changes and may not reach the right setpoint depending on the pressure set for the back inlet.


I tried an "unobtrusive" leak test that I saw on some troubleshooting guide, which suggested going to a splitless flow and seeing if the flowrate in the front inlet was higher than the setpoint which would indicate a flow -- when I followed this procedure the front inlet had zero flow.


I'm wondering since the pressure from the back and front inlets aren't independent and I was not able to get front inlet flow from this test, if that means there is an issue with the flow module, or if anyone has any other ideas. 

  • Just a quick suggestion on method as well, you would benefit from using gas saver on your inlets. Saves gas and money. Simple feature that can be turned on in the method under inlet parameters. You don't need that full total flow for the complete duration of your method run. Typically after the first two minutes you have transferred your sample to column and really only need to manage inlet pressure and column flow. 

  • Just a quick suggestion on method as well, you would benefit from using gas saver on your inlets. Saves gas and money. Simple feature that can be turned on in the method under inlet parameters. You don't need that full total flow for the complete duration of your method run. Typically after the first two minutes you have transferred your sample to column and really only need to manage inlet pressure and column flow. 

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