Hello all,
I have an issue with the tune in the batch on ICP-MS 7700 in no gas mode.
When I launch a Start-Up, the Backgroung on mass 7, 89 and 205 is good but not in tune version (very high compared last time).
For example, the tune in the batch (in no gas mode) indicate :
Mass 7 : 12937CPS, %RSD 3,9, Background 18,8
Mass 89 : 65696CPS, %RSD 2,4, Background 10,9
Mass 205 : 33990CPS, %RSD 3,4, Background 21,1
Oxide ratio 156/140 : 0,923%
Doubly charged 70/140 : 1,256%
In the past, the value for these mass were below 5 in background.
When I launch the performance report in the start-up (no gas mode too), these values are good.
For information, the cones and glassware have been cleaned and new tubings were installed.
What is the problem with the high background in no gas mode ?
Thanks in advance for your return,
Have a good day !